August 16, 2024

WordPress to Wix: Partnering with a Wix Expert

WordPress to Wix: Partnering with a Wix Expert

In today’s frantic business landscape, companies and organizations striving to attract new customers must move beyond static advertising...

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In today’s frantic business landscape, companies and organizations striving to attract new customers must move beyond static advertising and bland landing pages. They must create content that engages their potential customers. These experiences can connect people to brands, generating awareness and sustainable revenue.

Digital marketing is a multi-faceted approach to boosting a brand’s visibility and image. Website development, media creation, and SEO (search engine optimization) are three major components that companies must explore to remain relevant in today’s market, regardless of industry. We here at W.D. Strategies, know how vital it is to not only offer website design services, but also incorporate marketing solutions, strategy analysis, multimedia content creation, and more to meet each client’s expectations.

We recently helped the Baltimore International Academy, a public charter school chartered by Baltimore City Public Schools, migrate their three sites from WordPress to Wix. From their initial Wix Marketplace Request to helping them achieve higher SEO ranking, the institution has joined our long list of satisfied clients.

The Wix Marketplace Request

The Baltimore International Academy serves students from kindergarten to 8th Grade. Focusing on language immersion programs, the dual-campus institution is open to all Baltimore City residents.

The Baltimore International Academy has three websites under its banner: its official umbrella site, BIA East, and BIA West. They needed to move their sites from WordPress to Wix before they were locked in with their then-current provider. Additionally, they needed to improve their SEO ranking to attract more site visitors and prospective students. This meant that their content needed to be optimized so search engines could index and list them in relevant search queries. They also wanted their sites to feature some new media, renewing their image. All of this also needed to be completed by a specific deadline.

Partnering with us helped them meet their deadline, rank higher in search engines, and give their content a fresh breath of air. We dedicated ourselves to fulfilling their requests via our specially-designed Wix-based solutions.

Moving from WordPress to Wix

Moving one website from one provider to another can be a grueling undertaking. To the uninitiated, moving three sites might seem impossible. Doing it all with a looming deadline could crush the spirits of any web developer. However, we at W.D. Strategies used our considerable expertise and software to provide the Baltimore International Academy with a swift, seamless transition.

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All three sites were up and running on Wix before the institution was locked into WordPress for another year. We typically recommend Wix for its relative ease of use compared with WordPress. However, each client has its own preferences and requirements. We can just as easily complete their WordPress requests as we can for Wix.

Wix Photography and Media Consulting

The Baltimore International Academy’s multi-site migration was only one request we tackled. They needed new media to paint a modern picture of how they can serve their students and communities.

Making and publishing visual media have been cornerstones of digital marketing for years. Marketing teams have used this traditional method to reach their current and prospective customers because they are all but guaranteed some level of success. Pictures can do what words sometimes can not. The Baltimore International Academy acknowledged this conceit and wanted us to work on their Wix photography demands.

Our media team drove to Baltimore within twelve hours of notice to capture content from the first day of school to include on the new sites. The team did not view the assignment as a stressful, rush job. It was a challenge to overcome so our client could present a better brand image to potential students and investors.

From creating custom logos to managing professional photography shoots, we have solutions for a variety of situations. We also do more than snap a photo. We can edit content to achieve a desired effect. If a client does not know what effect they want, our experts can suggest the most-effective strategies and activate them.

Wix SEO Support

When people are interested in a product or service, they will likely search for what they want online. Search engines have become an essential tool to research products and services. People can find technical information, customer reviews, and more to help themselves become informed shoppers. They want to be assured that their purchasing decision is the right one.

People can enter a search query into their preferred search engine to produce a list of related results. Search queries are made up of keywords. Websites and other digital content that contain these keywords in their copy can be listed in search results. Results that are placed at the top of lists rank as the most relevant matches. These are the ones search engines recognize as providing the most value.

Companies across every industry should want their websites and content to rank high in search results. If a site ranks high, then it can be seen by more people. Companies can expand their pool of potential customers by applying SEO to all of their published content. SEO involves choosing the best keywords and inserting them into the content. SEO can raise a website’s presence in search results and potentially increase traffic and revenue. The process depends on how well companies can integrate SEO into their content. However, it might sound easier than it really is.

Discovering the best keywords requires in-depth research. Free and paid solutions can get the job done, but it takes time to accumulate a strong list of phrases that can elicit results.

Having a great list is a firm, first step but now comes another challenge. Writing content that naturally contains keywords also takes time and skills. Stuffing a block of keywords on a web page will probably not yield favorable results. In fact, search engines like Google might ignore such pages altogether. The trick is to create content from keywords that drive value. Not every company has a marketing team that can accomplish this, making a powerful keyword list completely useless.

Keyword discovery and use are two aspects of SEO that can overwhelm many marketing teams. However, one often-overlooked element remains. Companies must monitor their website’s search result rankings to determine how well the keywords perform. If their keywords work well, then their websites should rank high. If not, they should modify existing content or create new content. Keyword popularity frequently changes. It is paramount to keep up with them and how well or poorly they perform.

SEO itself can seem like a full-time job. Fortunately, solutions exist that can ease the burden. For instance, we connected the Baltimore International Academy with analytics dashboard software to help them obtain positive results. Our Wix SEO support has helped Google index their sites easier as well as help them rank higher in organic search. The client can leverage key online data aggregators via our Listing Builder tool to control how their organization appears across the internet. This tool is run through our Business Intelligence platform, which allows our clients to integrate Google Analytics and Google Search Console data in one location. Clients can use all of this valuable information to amplify their marketing campaigns.

Our Business Intelligence site’s front end is built on Wix’s Editor X platform, offering users a smart integration to grow their businesses.

Working with Wix Experts

Migrating your website to Wix is a good time to revitalize the look, feel, and content of a website. Updating the visuals with engaging graphics can help create a memorable experience that unites site visitors with your company.

SEO should be a key part of every migration plan regardless of how complicated it seems. SEO can help attract visitors who normally would not know your company exists.

Your marketing work is never finished.

Managing content is an ongoing yet necessary task. Publishing and forgetting about content can waste time and money. Companies looking to save both can team up with Wix experts when the time comes to transfer websites to new providers, create compelling content, and create keyword-rich content. It does not matter where your website is going, just how it is going to get there.

Our track record of designing, engineering, and growing Wix-based solutions for our global clientele grows with each completed job. Companies and organizations across various industries have experienced how we ignited their web presence. You can review our projects to get a sense of how committed we are to driving excellence your way. Our case studies also prove we have solutions for every project. If that was not enough, our accessible, deeply-functional Business Intelligence platform turns information into actionable intelligence.When you have decided to take your digital marketing strategy to the next level, please book a consultation with us.