August 16, 2024

What Makes a Good Website Great: A Guide to Creating Memorable Websites

What Makes a Good Website Great: A Guide to Creating Memorable Websites

Creating a website that stands out in the crowded digital landscape is no small feat. It’s not just about looking good; it’s about delivering a memorable, functional, and delightful experience to every visitor. So, what separates a good website from a truly great one?

Written by

Rohan Bandekar

Director of Multimedia Productions & Sr. Designer

Attention to Details: The Magic of Micro-Interactions

They’re small, but they make a big difference.

When you hover over a button and it subtly changes color, or when you click the submit button on a form and get an immediate, satisfying response, you’re experiencing micro-interactions. These tiny details create a sense of engagement and responsiveness that users love.

Ever landed on a 404 page? Of course, you have. It’s usually a frustrating experience, but it doesn’t have to be. A well-designed 404 page can turn a potential negative into a positive. Think playful messages, useful links, and maybe even a cute illustration. It’s like having a friendly guide show you the way when you’re lost.

Well-Designed Illustrations: Consistency is Key

Illustrations are more than just pretty icons and graphics. They’re an extension of your brand. Consistent line widths and styles across your site reinforce your brand identity and make your website look polished and professional. It’s like wearing a perfectly tailored suit to a business meeting—it shows you mean business.

Photos: The Right Fit Matters

We’ve all been there: you need a photo for your website, and stock photos seem like the easiest solution. But beware—the wrong stock photo can hurt your brand. Grainy, cheesy, or out-of-place images can make your site look unprofessional. When possible, use professionally produced media. If you must use stock photos, take the time to find ones that match your brand’s colors, look, and feel. Blend them seamlessly into your design. Remember, a picture is worth a thousand words, so make sure those words say, “We know what we’re doing.”

Less is More: The Art of Simplicity

In the world of web design, less truly is more. A cluttered website overwhelms visitors and distracts them from the primary goal—conversion. A clean, simple design helps users focus on what matters most. It’s like walking into a tidy room versus a cluttered one; in the tidy room, you can immediately see where everything is and get straight to what you need.

Simplicity doesn’t mean boring. It means prioritizing functionality and ease of use. A great website makes it effortless for visitors to do what they came to do, whether that’s making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or finding information. Less clutter equals more conversions. It’s that simple.

Responsive, Yet Uncompromised Design

In today’s multi-device world, a website needs to look and function flawlessly across all screen sizes. But here’s the kicker—it shouldn’t just “work” on different screens; it should shine. Great design adapts and takes advantage of the unique features of each device. On a desktop, it might mean stunning visuals and complex layouts. On a mobile device, it means intuitive navigation and touch-friendly interfaces.

Responsive design is about more than just fitting content into different screen sizes; it’s about providing an uncompromised user experience no matter how your visitors access your site.

Bonus: Speed Matters

A great website is a fast website. Nobody likes waiting, especially in the digital age where attention spans are shorter than ever. Optimize images, leverage browser caching, and minimize HTTP requests to ensure your site loads in a flash. Remember, slow and steady might win the race, but fast and furious wins the internet.

Making It Happen

Creating a great website involves a harmonious blend of many elements—attention to detail, consistency in design, the right visuals, simplicity, and responsive design. Each of these factors contributes to a seamless, enjoyable user experience that keeps visitors coming back. So, sprinkle in those micro-interactions, suit up your illustrations, and keep it clean and responsive.

Talk to us about how we can help you make a great website that will help you stand out.